
Aaaaand just like that, another month has flown by. Although it’s technically fall, it’s still 90 degrees almost every day in New Orleans. We did have a nice break from the heat and humidity a couple weeks ago where temperatures at night dipped into the 60s! It was pretty exciting, but unfortunately that fabulous weather didn’t last long.

We wrapped up the renal block last week and started on the pulmonary and inflammation block this week. I love that so many topics we learned in previous blocks tie in to what we’re learning now. For example, we learned about beta-2 adrenergic agonists in the CV/ANS block, and those have popped up again in the treatment of asthma in this block! Another aspect of med pharm that I particularly love is learning about contraindications and physiological reasons why a medication cannot be given to a patient. Having just learned about the kidneys, it's fascinating to learn the mechanism behind why NSAIDs can cause renal failure in patients with renal damage or heart failure.

This month I also started volunteering with Girls on the Run (GOTR)! I’m working with a great group of girls in grades 3-5 at Sacred Heart Academy. A typical Girls on the Run practice includes several different exercises that work on building self confidence and promoting wellness. This past practice we focused on self talk and identifying negative thoughts. It was eye opening to realize that almost every girl, including myself, has the same negative thoughts like “I’m not good enough” or “I can’t do this”. We then focused on transforming these negative thoughts into positive ways of thinking about ourselves. After completing this exercise, we ran laps with a partner and continued to discuss more positive self talk. The girls set lap goals for themselves every week and it was wonderful to see the girls motivated to run an extra lap or two to exceed their lap goals.

In addition to volunteering with Girls on the Run, I volunteered with Bayou Paddlesports to help clean up Bayou St. John.  Before visiting New Orleans, I had no idea what a bayou was and what they do. Bayous protect inland areas from flooding through their small earthen levees. My roommate and I helped clean up the bayou by kayaking around and picking up trash. We found a lot of plastic bags and glass bottles, but there were even giant planks of wood and "caution - wet floor" signs who had made their home in the waters of the bayou. As we were kayaking back, I saw an alligator relaxing in the bayou!

Besides the pharm program and volunteering, I’ve been exploring bits of the city as much as I can in this heat. Biking around is one of my absolute favorite ways to experience and explore New Orleans. I love biking up the Greenway, through the bayou, and up to City Park. It's been so much fun exploring (and eating my way through) this city and I can't wait for all the fun events in the upcoming weeks :)

September Hours: 10.5 hours
Cumulative community service hours: 10.5


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