April - the last post!

This month I continued volunteering with Edible Schoolyard during garden class as well as a family food night expo at Phillis Wheatley. During garden class, I worked directly with 1st and 4th grade students teaching anatomy, ecology, and nutrition through hands-on harvesting and cooking. Volunteering with Edible Schoolyard has been an amazing experience and I will continue volunteering with them once the program ends. There are so many fun ways to be involved - through garden classes, family food nights, and fun events like Sweet Potato Festival and Edible Evening. I can't believe tomorrow marks the last day of this master's program! We'll wrap up with our 3rd and final cell control exam. Looking back on this past year, I truly can't believe it's the end! I've learned so much and was able to prove my ability to do well in upper level science coursework. I am grateful for the experiences I've had in New Orleans - from boil water advisories, hurricane warni...